Fast as Fuck: Amber Waves

Ever had one of those days where all your shit is going wrong? Like really, really wrong. By the time you get home you’re exhausted. The fuck budget is really running low because you just have no more fucks to give. This drink is made for those days. Those days when you just wanna stick it to the…

Jap My Chae. Jap it Good.

Japchae. I hadn’t heard of this spectacularly tasty Korean Classic dish before. Awesome name, awesome taste. And so friggin’ fast to make. Which is what we like in my house. Especially on days where I misread other recipes that say crazy things like ‘leave to chill in fridge for 2 hours’ half way through the recipe….

Brownies That’ll Knock Your Socks Off.

Got the seasonal blues? Have a brownie. Feeling a bit bored? Or taking a ride on the procrastination train? Whip up a batch of these brownies. Celebrating with some friends? Make a tray of these brownies. Got a date with the sofa? Bring brownies. It’s a god damn Monday? Shove a brownie in your mouth. Pulling a sickie from work and hiding at…

Puttanesca: Not Just a Dirty Word, Also a Dope Dinner

Polenta Puttanesca I’m not quite sure why, but to my ears Puttanesca sounds like a dirty word. Like something you’d call a stranger’s mother during a heated argument…You know what I’m saying? It kinda just rolls off the tongue like a cuss word. I don’t know whether it’s accidental that it sounds like a dirty word, but regardless of…