Thug Kitchen Salsas…As Addictive as Drugs

The challenge to cook all 115 recipes from the Thug Kitchen cookbook within a year is coming along well. With only 34 days left, my arm in a sling, and still 23 recipes to go, we need to get boogeying. Today we’re looking at two recipes- Midsummer salsa and Fireroasted salsa.  Both amazing in their own right, they…

Strawberry Shortcake

This challenge has now become so much more challenging than I had ever anticipated. My arm is still in a sling so I have yet to cook anything new. I found the photos I took in my old house when I’d made the strawberry shortcakes so that’s what we’re looking at today. Delicious strawberry shortcake. So…

True Grit: Breakfast with Perseverance

The challenge: to cook all 115 Thug Kitchen recipes within 365 days. We are now 89 recipes down with 26 recipes to go. There are only 40 days left. Yes I still only have one functioning arm. Yes it’s still frustrating. It’s amazing how much you do with your right hand, when you’re right-handed. The last few…

Burritos, baby

The challenge: cook all the recipes from the first TK book within a year.  We are 88 recipes down, with 27 recipes to go. 44 days left. I find myself nursing my arm as I’ve picked up a Repetitive Strain Injury during the move. Does this mean I’m giving up? Bailing on the blog and the challenge?…

Ten Steps to Cauliflower Cream Pasta with Fresh Herbs

The challenge: to cook all 115 recipes from the Thug Kitchen cookbook within 365 days. We are now 87 recipes down, and 28 to go. There are only 48 days left. (Oh my GAWD! Trying not to panic now.) We have moved home. After living off crappy food the last 10 days-ish I thought it was…